Handspring Treo & Visor Shopping Guide
See also: PDAs
Palm TX,
Palm Zire 21,
palm z22,
Palm Lifedrive,
Palm Zire 31,
Palm Tungsten E2,
Garmin iQue 3600.
>>> NEW from Handspring! <<< Treo 650 and Treo 700W
Handspring Treo

Handspring Treo 600

All Treo models have a built-in keyboard, see-thru flip cover, bright backlit screen, rechargeable, and more.
Handspring Treo 600 Prices
Sprint PCS Phone - Color Palm OS Handheld -
Wireless Messaging and Wireless Web - Built-in Camera - 32MB
Model no longer available, please select a newer model below.
Handspring Treo 650 Prices
Newer Model! Introduced Fall 2004. Key upgrades: Faster Processor
(312 MHz Intel), Bluetooth Wireless, Improved DigitalCamera (with
2X Zoom and Video Capture), MP3 Player (requires expansion card).
Treo 700W Smartphone Prices
New Windows Model! Windows Mobile Operating System (not Palm), 312 MHz Intel Processor, 128 MB Memory,
Bluetooth Wireless, 1.3 MegaPixel Camera with 2X Zoom and Video Capture, Windows Media Player.
Treo 700P Smartphone Prices
Palm OS Model Palm Operating System 5.4.9,
312 MHz Intel Processor, 128 MB Memory,
Bluetooth Wireless, 1.3 MegaPixel Camera with 2X Zoom and Video Capture.
Handspring Treo Accessories
- Visit The Treo Store for a full line of Treo accessories including cases, cradles, cables, power adapters, memory cards, styli, screen backgrounds, headsets,
 Treo & Visor Cases
Handspring Treo Accessories available at The Official Palm / Treo Store.
- Treo Headsets - upgrade for improved performance
- Treo Car Kits - installation kit for easier use while on the road
- Handspring Treo Cases, Cradles, Cables, and Power - Buy direct from Handspring.com
- Treo Stylus - Premium replacement styli and stylus pens.
- Plus Treo software, games, cables, and more accessories.
See retailers' sites for up-to-date pricing and product specs.
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